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The Flight of Lot and His Family from Sodom (after Rubens)

Jordaens Jacob (attributed to)
1593 - 1678
The Flight of Lot and His Family from Sodom (after Rubens)
c. 1618-20
Oil on Canvas 169.5 x 198.5 cm

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The scene of Lot and his family fleeing the sinful city of Sodom at the behest of two angels is based on a story found in the Old Testament Book of Genesis. The hesitating figure of Lot is shown in the center with his wife seen in profile to his left and his two daughters behind him to the right. The faces, hair, the angel's wings and other areas exhibit a rather stereotyped rendering, which has led to the suggestion that the work was virtually painted by his workshop.

(Source: The Digital Gallery. 1999-2006)

photo:Jordaens Jacob (attributed to)
The Flight of Lot and His Family from Sodom (after Rubens)