Research Library
Using the Library
- Research Library
- Using the Library
- Contact & Visit Information
- Library Catalogue
The Library is open to all researchers in the field of Western art history or other disciplines from the following categories:
- Museum staff members
- University teaching staff, research institute staff or libarians
- Masters course or higher students in graduate studies programs
- Those approved by the museum director
To obtain a library user card, complete the card application form and present a valid ID.
Notwithstanding the conditions of the preceding paragraph, the user card will be issued if other libraries do not hold materials more appropriate for the researcher's needs. For more information, please contact us.
Appointments are required for each visit to the library.
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays 10:00 to 17:00 (Appointment required)*Entrance accepted until 16:30
except holidays
For more details, see Library Schedule
- Coats, jackets, bags, etc. are not allowed in the Library, but are to be left in lockers at the Library entrance.
- Materials from the closed stacks must be requested by using the call slips provided. No more than five items may be requested at one time.
- Materials do not circulate outside of the Reading Room.
- Collection items may be unavailable, if their condition is deemed too fragile for handling.
- Requests for photocopying of materials can be made for research use only and photocopying will be made under the direction of the Library staff. Complete the request form and submit it to the Library staff. Permission to photocopy is dependent upon the physical condition of the material and copyright laws (ex. less than 1/2 of any title). No more than five items can be requested at one time, with a maximum of 50 copies per request. Black and white copies cost 10 yen per page and color copies 100 yen per page.
- Readers may photograph items for personal reference. please fill out the request form.
- Requests can be accepted up to 30-minutes before closing.
- Orders for photocopies are not accepted via post, telephone, facsimile, or e-mail.