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NMWA School Programs – Programs Held at the NMWA
*in Japanese only

Throughout the year, the NMWA presents art appreciation programming aimed at schools of all types, from kindergarten to primary school, middle school, high school, university, and special needs schools. Based on each school group’s aims for their visit, we arrange for school group gallery talks, slide talks or visits to museum workplaces. Prior to their visits, teachers explain their goals for the visit, the types of students involved, and any other concerns. This cooperation between the school and NMWA aims to create a memorable museum experience for the children. Applications for each of the programs described below must be made at least one month prior to the proposed visit date.

School Gallery Talks

Visiting groups are divided into groups of ten or less to participate in dialogue-based gallery talks. Each talk features viewing and discussing three works of art in the Permanent Collection Galleries. Depending on the artworks involved, the viewing experience might include various ways to elicit each participant’s own spontaneous way of appreciating the art, such as using viewing tools or moving around the work.
Trained Volunteer Staff members accompany each group to provide support. To make the visit enjoyable for all participants, including those on a first-ever visit to an art museum, we provide highlight tours, featuring a selection of Permanent Collection Gallery artworks from various periods and genres. Each group in a school visit looks at different works.

Program Dates Tuesdays through Fridays, except on public holidays and when the museum is closed
Group Size Up to 60
*Please contact us if your group consists of 60 or more participants.
Gallery talk length About 45 minutes
Program example Toilet break, line up, greetings (15 minutes) -- > Gallery talk about 3 works (45 minutes) -- > Independent viewing in the galleries (30 minutes)
Location Permanent Collection Galleries (These Gallery Talks are not conducted in the Special Exhibition Wing)

School Slide Talks

An NMWA Education Department member leads a slide-illustrated orientation session in the Auditorium. They give an overview of the NMWA, explain how to look at art works, and how to behave in an art museum. If desired, this orientation will explain not only the Permanent Collection Galleries display, but also the special exhibition then on display.

Program Dates Tuesdays through Fridays, except on public holidays and when the museum is closed
Group Size For groups of 20 to 110 participants
Slide talk length About 40 minutes
Sample session Arrive at Auditorium, toilet break, line up (10 minutes) -- > Orientation (40 minutes) -- > Independent viewing in the galleries (40 minutes)
Location Auditorium

Visits to Museum Workplaces

This program provides interviews with NMWA staff members who explain what it is like to work at a museum. Please send questions you would like to ask to the Education Department. Given that many students might be on their first visit to an art museum, if time permits, we will also take them to view a number of artworks in the Permanent Collection Galleries.
Even if teachers will not be accompanying the students on these visits, please have the relevant school teacher apply for this program.

Program Dates Tuesdays through Fridays, except on public holidays and when the museum is closed
Time required About 40 minutes
Location Galleries and other areas

For Teachers of Special Needs School Students

After you have provided information on the goals for your museum visit and the types of students involved, we will discuss program content with you. Please explain your wishes for your visit in the “19. Further Comments” section of the application form.
We can accomodate requests for viewing sessions using tactile appreciation methods, other viewing tools, and sign language interpreters.

Please see here for information on the NMWA’s barrier-free accessibility features.


“Social Story: My First Art Museum Visit” is a museum guide primarily for persons with developmental disabilities and their families. This booklet provides understandable explanations that allow everyone, including not only individuals with developmental disabilities but also those visiting museums for the first time, to enjoy their time at the museum but not feel anxious.

Social StoryPDF

Application Procedure

Please see this page (in Japanese).

Admission Fees

Permanent Collection Galleries
Free admission for kindergarten, elementary school, middle school, and high school students and their accompanying teaching staff.
Special Exhibitions
Free admission for kindergarten, elementary school, and middle school students and their accompanying teaching staff.
Please see the relevant special exhibition web page for high school student admission fees.

Please see this page for information on visiting the museum for gallery viewing without specific program planning.


QIs there somewhere we can have a meal?
AA We have no facilities for group meals. There are only two water dispensers in the museum. For visits in the summer, please bring your own water bottles. Drinking and eating is forbidden in the galleries. Please make sure you have properly hydrated before entering the galleries.
QIs there somewhere we can leave our extra belongings?
AA Please bring as few extra items as possible. Please contact us in advance regarding storage of your group’s extra belongings. The NMWA visitor lockers require 100 yen coins, please make sure each participant has their own coin. The coins are returned when the locker is opened after use.
QCan we take notes or sketch?
AA Only pencils can be used in the galleries. Mechanical pencils, ballpoint pens, erasers, and other tools cannot be used in the galleries. Given that School Gallery Talks focus on dialogue between the NMWA guiding staff member and the participants, and on viewing the art works, please refrain from taking notes during those talks.
QCan we take photographs of the children?
AA School staff member can take commemorative photographs in the galleries. However, flash photography and tripods are not allowed. Please avoid taking photos of other visitors, and of works of art which have marks indicating no photographs allowed. Please make prior application for a member of your group to act as photographer. The photographer must wear an arm band indicating they are an approved photographer.