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School Programs: For School Teachers
*in Japanese only

We hold art appreciation study opportunities and special exhibition viewing programs for educators at all educational levels. These programs aim to further develop museum-school communication and understanding.

Viewing Programs for School Teachers

During each special exhibition display period, we provide special viewing sessions for kindergarten through high school level teaching staff (both teachers and aides). These free viewing programs provide opportunities for participants to examine how to use the NMWA in curriculum programming or school club activities. The dates and times for these sessions will be posted closer to date on this page. All sessions by prior application only.

Teachers’ Seminars

These seminars primarily aimed at elementary, middle school, and high school teaching staff provide information on art appreciation education and opportunities to learn how to use the art museum in their curriculum. Potential participants are asked to explain their interests and seminar aims to the NMWA Education Department staff.  Each session’s contents will be determined in consultation between the NMWA staff and participants.

Application Procedure:

Please see this page (in Japanese).