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Past Exhibitions


[Study Exhibition] European Avant-garde Paintings of the First Half of 20th Century: Selected Works from the Collection of the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo
4 January 2000 - 30 September 2001
Visage: Painting and the Human Face in 20th-Century Art
12 January 2000 - 13 February 2000
Picasso's World of Children
14 March 2000 - 18 June 2000
Dutch Art in the Age of Rembrandt and Vermeer: Masterworks of the Golden Age from the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam
4 July 2000 - 24 September 2000
Tanka at the National Museum of Western Art: An Encounter between Poet and Art
25 July 2000 - 29 October 2000
Seismic Isolation and Conservation: The Thinker, Burghers of Calais. Auguste Rodin
8 August 2000 - 24 September 2006
Totentanz - vom Spätmittelalter bis zur Gegenwart: Eine Ausstellung ausgewählter Werke der Graphiksammlung “Mensch und Tod” der Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf (Dance Macabre: from the late Middle Ages to the Present)
11 October 2000 - 3 December 2000


Il Rinascimento in Italia: La Civiltà delle Corti (Italian Renaissance: culture of the courts)
20 March 2001 - 8 July 2001
[Prints and Drawings Exhibition]French Masterpiece Drawings from The National Museum of Western Art Collection
27 March 2001 - 24 June 2001
A Brush with History
7 August 2001 - 14 October 2001
American Heroism
7 August 2001 - 14 October 2001
[Study Exhibition] The Allure of Water
4 September 2001 - 4 November 2001
[Study Exhibition] Digital Technology and Museum: Public Seminars and Exhibitions of Information and Equipment Related to Digital Technology and the Arts
13 November 2001 - 2 December 2001


Obras Maestras del Museo del Prado (Masterpieces from the Museum of Prado)
5 March 2002 - 16 June 2002
[Prints and Drawings Exhibition]New Acquisitions 1999-2001, Prints Collection
5 March 2002 - 26 May 2002
[Fun with Collection] Hands and Minds: Monet, Denis, Rodin
18 June 2002 - 1 September 2002
French Drawings from the British Museum: From Fontainebleau to Versailles
9 July 2002 - 1 September 2002
Nineteenth Century British and French Art from the Winthrop Collection of the Fogg Art Museum: Between Reality and Dreams
14 September 2002 - 8 December 2002
[Prints and Drawings Exhibition]Cliché-verre: The Glass Prints of Corot and the Barbizon School in the NMWA Collection
14 September 2002 - 8 December 2002


[Prints and Drawings Exhibition]The Passion: Selections from the NMWA’s German Renaissance Print Collection
4 March 2003 - 18 May 2003
Woven Pictures: 17th and 18th Centuries European Tapestries in the National Museum of Western Art Collection
18 March 2003 - 25 May 2003
Deutsche Landschaftszeichnungen der Romantik aus dem Kupferstich-Kabinett Dresden: Das “Landschaftsbuch” von Julius Schnorr von Carolsfeld und Werke von Caspar David Friedrich, Joseph Anton Koch, Ferdinand Olivier und anderen (German Romantic Landscape Drawings from the Collection of Prints, Drawings and Photographs, Dresden: The Landscape Album by Julius Schnorr, drawings by Casper David Friedrich, Joseph Anton Koch, Ferdinand Olivier and others)
24 June 2003 - 24 August 2003
[Fun with Collection] Window of the Heart: The Forms of Paintings
1 July 2003 - 31 August 2003
Rembrandt and the Rembrandt School: The Bible, Mythology and Ancient History
13 September 2003 - 14 December 2003
[Prints and Drawings Exhibition]The Prints of Jacques Callot: Images of 17th Century France and Italy
13 September 2003 - 14 December 2003


VIXERVNT OMNES: Romani ex Imaginibvs: Ritratti romani dai MVSEI VATICANI(Testimony of Life: Ancient Roman Sculptures from the Vatican Museum)
2 March 2004 - 30 May 2004
[Prints and Drawings Exhibition]Delacroix: Lithograph Illustrations for "Faust" and "Hamlet"
2 March 2004 - 30 May 2004
Kelch: Goldschmiedekunst des Mittelalters aus evangelischen Kirchen Ostdeutschlands (Chalice: Metal work of the Middle Ages from the Evangelical churches in the East Germany)
29 June 2004 - 15 August 2004
[Fun with Collection] Investigating Architecture: Circling through Le Corbusier's Museum
29 June 2004 - 5 September 2004
Henri Matisse: Processus / Variation
10 September 2004 - 12 December 2004
[Prints and Drawings Exhibition] Dutch Mannerist Prints
10 September 2004 - 12 December 2004


Georges de La Tour
8 March 2005 - 29 May 2005
[Prints and Drawings Exhibition]Printed Narratives of Max Klinger: Eve and the Future, A Life and A Love
8 March 2005 - 29 May 2005
Dresden: Spiegel der Welt. Die Staatlichen Kunstsammlungen Dresden in Japan
28 June 2005 - 19 September 2005
[Fun with Collection] Various Colored Eyeglasses Part 1: Tell me about how you see
1 July 2005 - 31 March 2006
Chiaroscuro Woodcuts from the Frits Lugt Collection in Paris
8 October 2005 - 11 December 2005
[Prints and Drawings Exhibition]Views of Rome: Piranesi's Vision
8 October 2005 - 11 December 2005


[Fun with Collection] Various Colored Eyeglasses Part 2: Introducing Everyone's Different Ways of Seeing
1 February 2006 - 3 September 2006
August Rodin / Eugène Carrière
7 March 2006 - 4 June 2006
[Prints and Drawings Exhibition] Artists and Studios
7 March 2006 - 4 June 2006
Chefs-d'œuvre des Musées royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique
12 September 2006 - 10 December 2006
[Prints and Drawings Exhibition] The Prints of Frank Brangwyn
12 September 2006 - 10 December 2006
Munch and Ibsen
4 October 2006 - 10 December 2006


Italian Renaissance Prints from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich
6 March 2007 - 6 May 2007
[Prints and Drawings Exhibition] New Acquisitions 2002-2006, Prints Collection
6 March 2007 - 3 June 2007
Parma: Grazia e affetti, natura e artificio. Protagonisti dell'arte da Correggio a Lanfranco
29 May 2007 - 26 August 2007
Medieval Devotion: Photographs of Romanesque Art
12 June 2007 - 26 August 2007
Edvard Munch: The Decorative Projects
6 October 2007 - 6 January 2008
[Tour Exhibition] Gods and Nature: The Essence of European Art from the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo
4 November 2007 - 2 December 2007
Venue: Himeji City Museum of Art
[Tour Exhibition] Gods and Nature: The Essence of European Art from the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo
11 December 2007 - 3 February 2008


La "Venere di Urbino": Mito e immagine di una Dea dall'antichità al Rinascimento
4 March 2008 - 18 May 2008
Corot: Souvenirs et variations
14 June 2008 - 31 August 2008
Vilhelm Hammershøi: The Poetry of Silence
30 September 2008 – 7 December 2008


In commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the National Museum of Western Art and the 55th Anniversary of Nippon Television Network Corporation.
28 February 2009 – 14 June 2009
Le Corbusier and the National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo
In commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the National Museum of Western Art
4 June 2009 – 30 August, 2009
Iconomorphosis: Selected Graphics from the NMWA Collection
In commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the National Museum of Western Art
7 July 2009 – 16 August 2009
L’eredità dell’Impero romano
In commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the National Museum of Western Art
19 September – 13 December 2009
Rome: future déjà vu by HASHI
In commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the National Museum of Western Art
19 September – 13 December 2009